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Winter Play

arts and crafts educational toys tents

Winter Play:  Keeping Kids Active While the Weather Isn’t Participating

By eBeanstalk Toys

While we have a series of powerful winter storms developing throughout this nation, we thought it would be useful to review helpful hints and tips on how to keep the children active and engaging play, whether indoors or outdoors.  In the midst of the damp socks and the snow flurries, we at eBeanstalk believe --even more so -- that presenting learning and developmental tasks for the children is even more worthwhile as now (1) they are a captive audience, and (2) have more time with sports practice or gym classes or another activity cancelled perhaps.

We have always held that the benefits of active and pretend play are multi-faceted in that it’s results are more than we even fully understand. Moreover, those very same principles apply if it’s raining or snowing or hailing or sleeting or even sunny for those of you fortunate folks in Hawaii.

ACTIVE PLAY:  As research has often shown, there are so many beneficial results of remaining active for a child.  Research has even gone so far as to show that physically active children show better thinking and multi-tasking skills than those who are less active (Hillman, Pediatrics 2014).   The same research showed that the active play enhanced brain function in those active children over those in the inactive group.  As a result, we have some suggestions for children to remain active inside or out, during this season.

  • Suggestions – Rody (in various colors), Pogo Stick, Rocking Chairs, Sno Striker

ENGAGING, PRETEND PLAY:  Another aspect of play that we at have always advocated is the allowing for engaging, pretend play for all children of all different abilities.  Likewise studies have shown that some of the important side effects, if you will, of early childhood pretend play is the enhancement of the brain and its capacity for cognitive flexibility and, ultimately, creativity (Russ, 2004; Singer & Singer, 2005).  Pretend play enhances skills set that center around, but are not limited to social and emotional development, language development, and thinking skills development.  It’s important to relationships and being able to relate to people and the development of empathic behavior.  Furthermore, it helps to nurture imagination at its highest levels.

  • Suggestions - Neater Arts and Craft, Play Tents, House play (kitchen, restaurant)

At eBeanstalk, we feel it’s beneficial to keep the focus on the children and help everyone from parents to grandparents to teachers to coaches.  We wish you and your family a safe, happy, and healthy winter season.

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