Wumbers Book Hardcover
Recommended Age: 4-7 years old
What do you get when you combine a word and a number? A wumber! Paying tribute to William Steig 's CDB!, best-selling book, cre8ors Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld have wri10 and illustr8ed this s2pendous book that is 1derful 4 readers in kindergar10 and up. If we've confused you, just take a look at the book = 4tun8ly it has helpful pictures. We are sure you will get it ins10tly!
Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a best-selling author, blogger, and filmmaker. She lives in Chicago. Say hello to her at Whoisamy.com.
Tom Lichtenheld is also a best-selling author and illustrator, and he also lives in the Chicago area. You can see all of Tom 's books and more at Tomlichtenheld.com